What is the current state of the PR industry in Nigeria? What are the most important skills required to work in the Public Relations sector in Africa’s biggest economy? Has the supposed recession affected the financial growth of the reputation business? These are the kinds of critical questions Nigerian PR firm, BHM in collaboration with research firm, Brentt Consulting aims to answer with the second edition of the Nigeria PR Report.
Nigeria PR Report 2016, which is underway, intends to provide insight into trends, tools, campaigns, and issues of today’s public relations as well as provide valuable data for potential investors, workers and all stakeholders of this industry. Most importantly, producing such information is expected to place the Nigerian communication sector on the global map.
The inaugural report, which was released in Lagos, Nigeria on January 29, 2016, sparked intelligent discussions and debatable opinions in the marketing communications space. The research was considered brilliant but controversial and received recognition within the country and the international scene. The Nation described the 106-paged book as “a compendium of quantitative and qualitative research augmented by industry-wide perspective and knowledgeable commentary on PR practice in the country” while Strategic Marketing Africa referred to the report as one that “highlights the significant challenges and opportunities of the Nigerian PR sector”.
Holmes’ 2016 Global Communications Report states that the global PR agency sector will approach $20 billion by 2020. But there is one problem with this “global” study – Nigerian PR firms are absent.
With the exclusion of the giant of Africa from this very significant research that is believed to give the clearest picture of the global PR industry, initiatives like the Nigeria PR Report have become pivotal for the industry and will eventually encourage reputation managers in this part of the world to use their own medicine.
According to the Nigeria PR Report 2015, over 80% of agencies and individuals that work in PR are based in Lagos because the state harbours 60% of Nigeria’s total industrial investments and foreign trade while attracting 65% of Nigeria’s commercial activities. Facts such as this discovered through scientific exploration will not only help coming generations but also lay a proper foundation for the future of PR which will determined by big and rich data.
For the second edition of Nigeria PR Report, the research arm of BHM Group called BHM Research and Intelligence will be working with independent market research firm, Brentt Consulting after assimilating all comments, reviews and suggestions on how to make the report richer and better than its predecessor. Brentt, who is currently carrying out an anonymous survey, promises that all answers given are strictly confidential and demographic questions will only be use to contextualize the data gathered during this exercise. The survey adheres to local and international research, specifically the ESOMAR Guideline for Online Research.
Nigerian PR Report 2016 is taking data analysis deeper as it will be providing information important to PR professionals, journalists, regulatory bodies, agency CEOs, and the media. Facts, figures, attitudes and perceptions of 2016 and the coming year will be highlighted under various topics.
Qualitative research techniques will be used to uncover and explore trends in thoughts and opinions and focus groups will be used to dive deeper into the problem which will help stakeholders understand not only what the respondents think, but also how and why they think that way. Also, numerical data generated from the survey will be transformed into useable statistics and will be used to support behaviors and other variables derived from a wide range of sample respondents.
Consistently producing a report such as this is critically important for the Public Relations industry at this time when the profession is considered dead or evolving into other practices and losing its traditional essence. By modeling well-founded world reports such as the Holmes Report, World Development Report, Relevance Report, the publishers of the Nigerian PR Report hope to create a standard global report that can easily be used for referencing details, instances and facts about the industry.
Nigeria PR Report 2016 will be launched in February 2017 after the industry has properly settled into the New Year.
Join us in starting a revolution of data by filling the Nigeria PR Survey right now - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2016NigerianPRSurvey
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